“Hugo’s Voyage” is a dynamic rock band that originated from New York and Boston. Initially formed in 2005 as a tribute band for the legendary group “Journey,” they have gained significant success and a devoted fan base. Recently, “Hugo’s Voyage” embarked on their own musical journey, releasing their debut album titled “Inception” last month.
“Inception” showcases a mix of rockers and ballads, with their first single, “Don’t Want To Live Without Your Love,” which recently featured on RadiJohan, evoking memories of Journey’s classic hit “Don’t Stop Believing.” However, it is important to note that “Inception” is not merely a replication of Journey’s sound. The band has infused their music with a fresh contemporary edge while maintaining a timeless quality, bridging generations and demonstrating that great rock music transcends time.
One of the album’s ballads, “A Friend Like You,” is a heartfelt track that adds to the diverse range of songs on “Inception” and further showcases the band’s musical prowess. It is new this week on RadiJohan.